Wednesday, August 05, 2009

The Terror of Comic Fanboys or Why this blog is different

The comic fanboy is important to the comics industry. Without them comics would not thrive. In Singapore, fanboys are crucial to the survival of many comic book stores. These creatures buy many comics, have brains that archive canon, and get orgasms from comic related news.

New Avengers movie? Orgasm!. Spiderman 4 movie? Orgasm! Next Batman movie? Aaaaahhhh! Hank Pym may not be in the Avengers movie? Turn off!

I started this blog as a way to promote comics, not just DC or Marvel comics. Comics in general, be it Franco-Belgium (Clifton, Asterix), Japanese (manga) or......everything and anything I can get my hands on.

It comes to my notice that in Singapore, interest in comics is mostly pretentious in nature. Most comic reader just want heroes. How many of them have heard of Joann Sfar? He is big in France. May be it is because Marvel and DC have done so good a job at promoting their properties worldwide, that it is hard for other comics to gain notice.

Anyways, you know where this blog is heading. I'm not going to give you any orgasms. You have to masturbate yourself if you want one. I'm just going to do what I like; READ COMICS.


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