Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Popgun edited by Mark Andrew Smith and Joe Keatinge (Image Comics)

First it was Flight, now comes Popgun. And what difference is there between the two. The editors of both books do not set any themes for their anthologies. This is nontheless that Image Comics is becoming very money-minded about its products.

With the success of Flight, it only made commercial sense to produce another theme-free anthology, the difference of which is the editors and their taste in comics. What I dislike about such anthologies is their serial comics. These anthologies are not published monthly or weekly, but rather annually (or to be more accurate with Popgun, eight months between each volume).

Readers have to wait for a long time just to follow up where the serial last ended. The done-in-one volume comics are more satisfying to read, but still not as engaging as reading a full 23-paged floppy.

Popgun is recommended for those who like comic anthologies such as Flight, or those who have never read such comics and want to give it a try. Anyone who prefers superb narration over unique artwork should stick to graphic novels instead.


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