Monday, August 24, 2009

Eternals by Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr (Marvel Comics)

The Eternals were Marvel’s equivalent of DC’s New Gods. In fact, both were creations of Jack Kirby. Unlike the New Gods however, the Eternals were pretty much put aside after two series, except for Sersi, who had further adventures. Who better to revive the Eternals than Gaiman, a specialist in pantheon mythologies.

Originally a six issue miniseries, a seventh issue was added. This is a Gaiman comic, so don’t expect breakneck speed in plotting. The story moves quite slowly, but suitable considering Gaiman’s style. The characters and settings are first introduced in the beginning, and a mystery is presented: what happened to the Eternals? Gaiman chose character development and slow unfolding plots over action and quick pacing. Instead of big fights, we get near mystic complex sciences. The seventh issue is worthy, as it ties up all the loose plots.

The biggest issue I have with the series is that it crosses over with Marvel’s Civil War event. When Iron Man enters the picture, the mystic/dreamy feeling (which I get from the comic) of the series is interrupted. The very end is disappointing. It ends with “The beginning”, a sign that someone else besides Gaiman will handle the Eternals from then on.

Overall a very good series, if one can tolerate the punctuations of Civil War. The plots may move slowly, but at seven issues, the pace is appropriate.


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