Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I was at a book store this evening, when a little girl came up to me.

"Time told me you were looking for love. Is that true?" she asked.

I was surprised by her, and stared at her for a moment before nodding my head.

"I work with Love and Fate. I met Love a week ago, but I will meet Fate tomorrow," said the girl.

"Could you please pass a message to Love? Tell her I need to talk to her," I told her.

"What do you need from Love?" she asked.

"I need to know why she has abandoned me?" I replied.

"Abandoned you? Are you sure?"

"No not really."

"You might want to speak to Fate. He can help you as well." said the little girl.

"Then please tell him that I would like to speak to him."

"I am sorry I cannot help you. It is not within my ability to do so. See you," she said and began walking away when I called to her.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You don't remember me? I was there when you were born. I forgot, you were too young to remember," she said with a smile and ran away.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

TIme Passes By

I was on a bus, heading home when an old man boarded and sat next to me. He was very old, or so I thought from his looks. I did not pay much attention to him, choosing to look out the window instead. A moment passed this way. The old man spoke.

"I have seen a lot through my years. Many moments treasured in memories, and many so terrible they should never be brought, not even in thought."

I looked at him. He was expressing joy.

"Do you have any memories you wish not to have?" he asked in a cheerful tone.

"Perhaps," I replied.

"Some memories stay with you forever. Perhaps you may not care much about them as time goes by, but your feelings for them remains. An emotional trauma, a scar in the heart. The pain they bring may be lessened, but are never completely forgotten."

The very old man paused and looked at me, before continuing.

"What are you looking for, if you do not mind telling me?"

"Love," I answered.

"I do not know where she is, but if you ask Fate, he can tell you where to find her. That is if you can find him."

"Do you know where Fate is?"

"I don't know. I work neither with Love nor Fate. I rarely see them, and when I do, we would have a little chat, and I would move on. You see, I only pass by them. Nothing more."

The bus stopped.

"I have to go now. See you," said the very old man, as he got up from his seat and left the bus."

TIme moves on.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Nothing Happpens Still

Or at least nothing worth mentioning happens. It was a bad idea to start this blog. I feel stupid to have thought that a blog can change life. I feel even more stupid in believing that looney old woman

Friday, October 14, 2005

Looking For Love

This morning, I was looking for love. For more than three years, I have been looking for her. I think she might be trying to avoid me. I do not know why if it is true. But the pain she has brought me is not easily beared. Where is she?

So much for finding what I am looking for. I should not have listened to that looney old woman. Silly me, for thinking a blog would help solve my problems.

Fortunately, no harm is done.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Strange woman. Strange advice

This evening, I met a woman on the bus I took to get home. I perceived her to be seventy years old. She was dressed in a pink blouse and purple miniskirt.

I got up the bus and sat first, before she did. And when she did, I was too engrossed in my thoughts to notice that she had sat beside me. As the bus was about to reach the stop I was to get off, she talked to me.

"Hey, boy."

I looked at her.

"Start a blog tonight. Trust me. Do so and you will find what you are looking for."

I was surprised by what she said. But I started this blog anyways. No harm trying. After all, what could possibly go wrong. It is just a stupid blog.